“This beautiful sheet of water, like a sapphire gem set round with emeralds…” Samuel Francis Smith, History of Newton, Massachusetts, 1880
Bullough's Pond Gets a New Bench & Bike Rack
It was a process that spanned many months, but thanks to the hard work of the Bullough's Pond Association, there is finally a bike rack near the Medallion Overlook, to provide more bicycle parking at the pond, and to (hopefully) incentivize cyclists not to obstruct views and enjoyment of the space by bringing their bikes onto the Overlook. Plus, a recently installed bench complements the classic look of the benches the Association purchased for the Overlook in 2018. The BPA hopes to upgrade all park furniture, railings, pathways, curbs and other humanmade parts of the
pond environment as part of a much-needed dredging and bank/habitat restoration project of the pond that the Association is championing vigorously. Members and passersby have asked us about the heavy gravel and asphalt that remain on the former driveway to the water's edge. The BPA is advocating for a better treatment of that surface, perhaps a combination of natural permeable material to mitigate against run-off and rough granite slab pavers to protect against slope erosion and allow emergency access. The BPA is in talks with the City about coordinating improvements, perhaps as part of the dam restoration project.
Rave Reviews for Two Bullough's Pond Exhibits in October and November
As we posted here and in our newsletter to members that month, there were two concurrent Bullough's Pond exhibits in the Newton Free Library's first-floor hallway exhibit space during the month of October. In the display cases was an exhibit produced by the Bullough's Pond Association, exploring the history, ecology and significance of the pond, the dam and the downstream forest. The exhibit detailed the work of the Association and included samples of the notecard set, coffee mug and children's book that visitors can purchase here - to support the
BPA's work to protect Bullough's Pond. Across from the display cases, "Cloudscapes of Bullough's Pond" was an exhibit of spectacular images of the pond by photographer Ellen Foust. Library staff have told us many library visitors stopped by to mention how much they enjoyed learning about the pond and viewing Ellen's gorgeous photographs, and members who visited the exhibits shared similiar sentiments with the BPA Board. Both exhibits moved to City Hall's second-floor exhibition space for the month of November. Those who purchase art prints or 2023 calendars of these images will be pleased to know that 30% of the proceeds will be generously donated by Ms. Foust to support the work of the Bullough's Pond Association. To purchase a "Cloudscapes of Bullough's Pond" art print or calendar, please send an email to: [email protected]
Have You Had a Chance to Renew Your Membership Yet?
You may have recently received an annual appeal letter (like the one pictured at right) from the BPA. If you haven't had time to join or renew your membership yet, please take a minute to do so as soon as you can, so the BPA can continue to care for and advocate for the pond, the historic dam, and the adjacent forest. You can make your tax-deductible contribution online here, or send a check made out to the Bullough's Pond Association to:
Bullough's Pond Association P.O. Box 600669 Newtonville, MA 02460 |
Bullough's Pond Dam Rehabilitation Working Group to Resume Meetings
Thanks to the efforts of City Councilors Norton, Malakie, Lucas, Gentile and others, a written schedule of meetings and field research visits by the GEI consultants, and BPA board participation in those meetings and notification of research visits were secured. BPA Board representatives were asked to join the DPW's Dam Rehabilitation Working Group, along with GEI representatives and local elected officials. The Working Group kick-off meeting took place in March, and field investigations commenced in May of 2022. The BPA has documented all field investigations for which we received notice. The Working Group is currently resuming meetings to consider the results of initial field investigations.
Invasive Removals Phase II Is Now Underway
The BPA wrapped up the multi-year Phase I project of removal of invasive Oriental Bittersweet in 2021. The diffference in the health of the trees and native plants along the pond's banks is remarkable, and views are much nicer. Another welcome result is that the improved condition of native plant food sources has led to increasing numbers of visits by birds and waterfowl. Still, new shoots of invasives continue to pop up, so the BPA in November initiated the Phase II maintenance program to protect the improved environment of the pond's banks by removing any invasives that try to to get re-established. Thanks to all the members of the BPA. Your support make this crucial work possible...
Volunteers Make NewtonServes Day Great at Bullough's Pond
On May 1, 2022, the Bullough's Pond Association enjoyed another successful NewtonServes Day clean-up. With a nice turnout of volunteers, the Bullough's Pond Association board and members in attendance cleared a lot of trash and debris from the banks and the water. Thanks to all who worked hard to keep the pond looking lovely.
Bullough's Pond Association Awards 2022
Scholarship to NNHS Student Esther Zhang
Scholarship to NNHS Student Esther Zhang
The Bullough's Pond Association is delighted to announce the awarding of this year's Bullough's Pond Association Scholarship to Esther Zhang, a 2022 graduate of Newton North High School. Esther Zhang moved to the US from Seoul, South Korea, at the age of two and has grown into a talented student with strong leadership skills. Esther
served as a commissioner on Newton's Youth Commission. She also worked as an intern for Green Newton. It was her responsibility to encourage better understanding about climate change and various climate initiatives. Esther created educational outreach materials, engaged with the public at the weekly farmers' market, posted on social media and educated through art. In college, she plans on pursuing a double major in environmental science and either sociology or international relations.
The BPA sponsors up to two $500 scholarships annually, each to be awarded to a high school senior who lives, or attends high school, in Newton. The scholarship honors students who have a demonstrated record of active science and/or environmental studies and efforts in the City of Newton, particularly volunteer work contributing to the care of Bullough’s Pond.
Application Information is HERE. |
BPA Funds Bluestone Path & Bronze Polishing at Overlook + Classic Sign
The Bullough's Pond Association works diligently to enhance the beauty and utility of the natural and built environment of Bullough's Pond. When it became clear that the stone dust path to The Medallion Overlook installed by the City was creating a mess on the seating platform and scratching the medallion, the BPA got permission and paid to install a new bluestone path. The BPA also had the medallion polished to remove scratches from the stone dust. These improvements follow the BPA's installation of the Bullough's Pond sign at the corner of Walnut and Commonwealth, and securing a policy change at City Hall to eliminate advertising signs and banners on fences around the pond. The BPA continues to advance such improvements at the pond.
Installation of the new bluestone path underway (left) and completed (right).
The polished medallion (left) and the only sign on the fence at the corner of Walnut and Commonwealth (right).
BPA Gift Shopping:
Did you know you can support the care and protection of Bullough's Pond and take care of some of your gift shopping at the same time? Visit the Shop page on our website, or email [email protected] to order BPA merchandise and arrange pick up or delivery.
Bullough's Pond Holiday Cards feature an image of peace that's perfect for any of the winter holidays, and elegant Bullough's Pond Note Cards make a wonderful small gift. Give your family, friends and co-workers a little taste of our neighborhood with a cheerful and stylish BPA Logo Coffee Mug.
For a young child in your life, purchase a copy of Jamie and the Ducks of August, a charming story about a little boy and the ducks he loves on Bullough's Pond, written by the BPA's own Helene Tischler and illustrated by her longtime Bullough's Pond neighbor, the artist Charlotte Lockwood. Proceeds support the Association's maintenance efforts at the pond. Click the product photos to shop.
Did you know you can support the care and protection of Bullough's Pond and take care of some of your gift shopping at the same time? Visit the Shop page on our website, or email [email protected] to order BPA merchandise and arrange pick up or delivery.
Bullough's Pond Holiday Cards feature an image of peace that's perfect for any of the winter holidays, and elegant Bullough's Pond Note Cards make a wonderful small gift. Give your family, friends and co-workers a little taste of our neighborhood with a cheerful and stylish BPA Logo Coffee Mug.
For a young child in your life, purchase a copy of Jamie and the Ducks of August, a charming story about a little boy and the ducks he loves on Bullough's Pond, written by the BPA's own Helene Tischler and illustrated by her longtime Bullough's Pond neighbor, the artist Charlotte Lockwood. Proceeds support the Association's maintenance efforts at the pond. Click the product photos to shop.